
Monday, December 21, 2015

Sketching With A Charcoal Pencil

Sometimes the only thing I want to do at my art desk is sketch with a pencil. Most days I make do with watercolor pencils. I like to mix and match different colors for study. In some cases, a simple charcoal pencil would suffice. And when I do a charcoal sketch, I usually just leave it as it is. No other color to go with it. Just a plain sketch. This one, however, is an exception: It's a preliminary sketch for a short art journal series that used quotes from the Jane Eyre novel.

This drawing of a young girl was done in my A5 Artist's Loft sketchbook. The pages are all white; I just glued a blue tissue wrap on the page for texture and then drew on it. As you can see in the photo, I used a Derwent charcoal pencil to sketch. I prefer the Light pencil because it seems to have a softer and smoother glide than the Medium or the Dark. 

Do you like to sketch with a charcoal pencil?


  1. Yup! You know I love charcoal! And I was just posting another face on my blog today. Not sure what exactly to write about it, was "born" right next to the "male face" I wrote about few days ago. Charcoal it's just simply amazing. I think soft pastel pencils are leaving a similar effect of the paper. BUT you know I love to mix charcoal with white gesso to create that smudged feeling I so much love.

    Thanks for sharing,

    1. I know what you mean, Cristina. Every time I draw with a charcoal, I feel like I'm being teleported to the old times with the Old Masters. There's something so "familiar" with it even if you're using it for the first time.

      I've seen your charcoal artworks and I love 'em! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Nice to see you here. :o)


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