Well, we've since returned from the US and have dutifully emptied the small apartment. I have boxed and unboxed most of my supplies and organized them in the most convenient way. But I still feel like there's a desert within me. So, I took out my pencils and tried to revive an old love: figure drawing
I had fun for a while until I felt the excitement wane again. I took out my watercolor sets and brushes and started doodling and swatching colors and mixes. Nothing much came out of it except a few small landscape paintings that seemed like drills. Better than nothing, I know.
Should I just stick to my trusty drawing pencils? I get impatient every time I finish a drawing because I would immediately want to turn it into a painting. But for some reason, the motivation to paint isn't there. Perhaps I should stay with my pencils for a while and just draw whatever I feel like drawing. Let the pencil be the stump and the self be not stumped.