
Friday, April 20, 2018

Quiet and Without Content

This blog has been like that, yes. I'd been meaning to update since the last time but for some reason I keep getting stalled and ideas just keep going down the drain. It must have been that addictive lure of social media. I practically soaked my brain in feeds that didn't make me so productive at all. Sure, there's that thrill of getting hearts and likes. But, no, by and large that didn't serve me well at all. This year I really hope to blog more and write more about my creative process and projects.

No promises here, though I've got a nice lineup of posts to make. Those will have to wait a bit until I'm able to transfer all my smartphone photos into this laptop. Until then, here's wishing that you're having a nice creative day and doing something that adds perk to your soul. Happy weekend! :o)